ASVAB Aptitude & Interest Inventory Exam
Hosted by SC TOP
Test Date: Thursday, March 28 at 10am
Test site address is: 763 Fashion Drive, Columbia, SC 29223
10th-12th graders — FREE
Test Results Zoom Session for parents/students to learn how to read your test results: Thursday, April 11 at 1 pm. Save the date!
NOTE: Results will not be released to any recruiters. The results are confidentially yours.
More information about ASVAB Career Exploration Program: https://www.asvabprogram.com/
More about Careers in the Military: https://www.careersinthemilitary.com/home
ASVAB Career Exploration Program is the only career planning resource that allows students to explore multiple paths to success — college, certificates, apprenticeships, licensure programs, or the Military – in one place.
- MULTIPLE-APTITUDE TEST: The ASVAB assesses a student’s ability to learn new skills and is a predictor of success in training and education programs regardless of post-secondary intention.
- INTEREST INVENTORY: The Find Your Interests inventory is based on John Holland’s widely accepted theory of career choice.
- CAREER EXPLORATION TOOLS: Armed with an understanding of their skills and interests, students then explore careers that coincide with their unique skill-interest profile.
- OCCU-Find, a catalog of careers with job-related information all geared toward helping students identify satisfying occupations.
- My Portfolio, a customizable resume-like document designed to help students chart and share their plans and accomplishments.
- My Educational and Career Plans, a guided exercise to encourage students to explore occupations based on their interests, achievements and favorite experiences, make initial career plans, and evaluate current and future programs of study.
- My Coursework Planner, an activity to help students determine remaining coursework requirements for entry into occupations of interest.
- www.careersinthemilitary.com, a comprehensive online resource powered by ASVAB CEP that allows students to discover extensive details about military career opportunities across all Services, their Service-specific ASVAB line scores and which Services offer which jobs.
- ASVAB CEP promotes career literacy through exposure to career-field entry requirements and future-oriented planning tools to help students develop an action plan to share with parents and educators.
Overview Booklet with FAQs and sample questions
Parent Guide to ASVAB Career Planning