2022-2023 Numbers Reports
Each year in January, associations prepare our attendance reports for the various school districts. The SC Code of Law 59-65-47 states that the reports must be sent by January 30th. As those reports are going out to the superintendents, I also like to publish our enrollment numbers for members and the general public also.
By January thirtieth of each year, all associations shall report the number and grade level of children home schooled through the association to the children’s respective school districts.
- If you’ve ever wondered about where are the SC TOP members zoned to attend.
- If you’d like to compare the various district counts.
- If you’re interested to see what grades we have more students enrolled. The total of Elementary, Middle or High Schoolers.
- Or if you just like numbers and statistics.
Here’s how the numbers stack up this year 2022-2023:
Total SC TOP Enrollment: 1932
Count by Grade Level:
Kindergarten: 165
1st grade: 182
2nd grade: 173
3rd grade: 197
4th grade: 142
5th grade: 173
6th grade: 174
7th grade: 156
8th grade: 146
9th grade: 130
10th grade: 133
11th grade: 88
12th grade: 72
Count by Districts:
Lexington 1: 352
Lexington/Richland 5: 303
Richland 2: 236
Richland 1: 170
Kershaw: 83
Lexington 2: 78
Aiken: 75
Greenville: 75
Newberry: 60
Lexington 4: 35
Fairfield: 31
Orangeburg: 27
Horry: 25
Lexington 3: 22
Oconee: 22
Sumter: 18
Cherokee: 17
Dorchester 2: 17
Other Districts with less than 15 students per district: Abbeville 60, Anderson 1& 5, Bamberg, Barnwell 19 & 45, Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Chester, Clarendon 1 & 5, Colleton, Darlington, Dillon 3 & 4, Edgefield, Florence 1, 3 & 4, Georgetown, Greenwood 50 & 51, Lancaster, Laurens 55 & 56, McCormick, Pickens, Saluda, Spartanburg 1-7, Sumter, Union, Williamsburg, York, 1-4.
It is an honor to serve the members of SC TOP–all across the state! Thanks so much!
~Kim, SC TOP director
Compare to the 2020-2021 numbers: